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Individual Task


  • Choose a famous person who suffers from mental illness

  • Write a brief description (not more than 2 pages) of how they overcome the illness


Group Task


  • Choose one type of mental illness.

  • In groups, collect the information and create a scrapbook. You are required to include materials from other sources.

  • Create a Powtoon presentation based on your scrapbook.

  • Present the Powtoon in class.




  • ​Individual task must be submitted through email (

  • Group task must be submitted in the class after the presentation (scrapbook)

  • PowToon presentation must be submitted through email after the presentation


While reaching out for therapy is not always comfortable, we are glad that if you can take some time to contact the number provided for further assistance. You can make a change!


T: 03-2615 4326


© 2017 by Love Yourself

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